» » films » Latitude Mesh

Latitude Mesh

Latitude Mesh explores the interplay between different photosensitive emulsions, including Kodak Tri-X, Kodak 3378 high contrast film, and Hayden’s own handmade emulsion. This handmade emulsion is the focal point of the work, emphasizing a deep investigation into its characteristics and possibilities. The film is organized around three central concepts: the decreasing photographic latitude from the most to the least light-sensitive emulsion, a geographical descent through Toronto from north to south, and a physical descent of the camera itself. Movement, photochemical sensitivity, and geography are intricately woven throughout the footage, which is paired with a self-produced soundscape. As the film progresses, the images and music gradually deteriorate into chaotic rhythms of disordered silver halides and distorted sounds..gptfims.com
  • Genre:
  • Production(s):
  • Acteurs:
  • Catégorie: film / Autres
  • Languages: FRENCH EN
  • Qualité: HDLIGHT
  • Date de sortie:
Latitude Mesh
  • 0
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