» » films » Sign of Contradiction: St. Francis of Assisi

Sign of Contradiction: St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis is one of the most loved saints in all the world, but do we really know him? Cities, schools, hospitals, and churches around the globe are dedicated to him, but why? He can be found in gardens across the country, but he must be more than just a birdbath. Francis is known as a lover of peace and of nature, and this is true. But he also went against all social norms. All that the world said would lead to happiness, he abandoned for something else, something more. To the world, he first appeared a fool. He was an outsider, hated and ridiculed by even the people who were supposed to love him the most. Yet, thousands followed him. Why? Francis was a sinner and a saint who was on a lifelong journey animated by grace. He was a real person with real struggles, temptations, and doubts. He was a disciple, perhaps, the greatest disciple. When all the world saw him as a fool, he stood as a sign of contradiction..gptfims.com
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  • Catégorie: film / Autres
  • Languages: FRENCH EN
  • Qualité: HDLIGHT
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Sign of Contradiction: St. Francis of Assisi
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